Fish Learning Fridays | Fall Fish Leaf Craft

Happy Fall! With the crisp air and leaves changing color, why not create a fun, fish leaf project. Great for all age levels and a perfect craft to do with the whole family!

You’ll want to first start by gearing up for a fun walk through the park, neighborhood, or even your backyard. While on the walk, find all different types of leaves to transform into an underwater world. The best leaves are those that recently fell on the ground (you do not want leaves to be too dry or they will fall apart).

Once you have gathered the leaves, take them home and press them in a large book for a few days to flatten them. Make sure to gather some additional materials too, like construction paper, glue, crayons/colored pencils/markers, and scissors.

Now it is time to get creative. Fold, cut and build fish out of your leaves and don’t forget to create an underwater background on the paper first!

Feel free to share your masterpiece with us via our social media pages using the hashtag, #FishLearningFridays, and check back on Fridays for new activities!!

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