Fish Learning Fridays | DIY Fish Holiday Ornament

‘Tis the season! Perfect timing for a DIY fish holiday ornament. Great for all age levels (with help from parents/adult supervision) and a perfect craft to do with the whole family!

Materials list includes:

  • Plastic or glass clear circle ornament(s)
  • Thin ribbon or twine of your choosing
  • Small bag of gravel or rocks in any color of your choosing (if you have a fish tank, you could use some of the gravel from the tank)
  • Small, Plastic Fish in various colors (these can be found on Amazon, Party supplies sites)
  • Clear fishing line
  • Sewing Needle

Once you have gathered and/or purchased all materials, it is time to start creating your fish tank ornament! Start with the below instructions:

  1. Remove the metal top of your circle ornament.
  2. Carefully, fill your ornament a ¼ of the way full of gravel and/or rock.
  3. Next, cut a small piece of fishing line, and a tie knot on the one end of it and then, thread your sewing needle with the line (adult assistance suggested).
  4. Choose your plastic fish and poke a hole through the top fin of the plastic fish with the threaded needle allowing the knot to catch the hole (adult assistance suggested).
  5. Tie the other end of the line to the top metal piece of the ornament.
  6. Gently, push the plastic fish into the clear ornament and then secure the metal top of the ornament back onto the clear ornament.
  7. Cut a piece of ribbon/twine and tie it to the top of your ornament.
  8. Hang it on your tree for all to see!

Please share your holiday masterpieces with us via our social media pages using the hashtag, #FishLearningFridays, or on Our Community page on our website and check back on Fridays for new activities!

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